Saturday, February 11, 2012


I'm having a little trouble with white mold, but the indoor seed sproutings are coming along:

Round one of the sproutings have been "potted up"

Mucho Nacho Jalapeno

Lemon Balm
(I hear it attracts bees so I'm going to try to plant it
between veggies it's also used in herbal teas.)

Cinnamon Basil.
I plant sweet basil every year I wanted something different

Martian Giant Tomato

Round 2 of sprouting
(this is where round 1 started out)
(Zucchini, Cantaloupe, 3 varieties
of tomato, and Thai basil)

New Variety of Zucchini is taking over already.
I heard Costata Romanesco was a tasty variety. Home Depot only has Black Beauty every year so I bought some seeds and I'm giving it a try.

The rescued Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato got so big I trained it to rest on the windowsill. I hope I don't regret that later.

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